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Study Reveals How Labiaplasty Changes Quality of Life for Women
Labiaplasty is not just about aesthetics for most women. Terms like “designer vagina” take away from the gravity of the situation that women with elongated labia are facing. A study on 62 women between 17 to 61 years of age, undergoing labiaplasty, suggested that there is a significant improvement in the quality of life after the surgery. The participants in the study were asked to fill a questionnaire about the discomfort and symptoms relating to excess vaginal tissues before the surgery and again 2 years after the procedure. The study showed that there was a significant improvement in many physical and psychosocial symptoms after Labiaplasty surgery.
Labiaplasty Is Not Always A Cosmetic Procedure, A Surgeon Explains
While there has been a lot of debate as to why women want to surgically undergo vaginal rejuvenation, a cosmetic surgeon talks about the stress and trauma that women undergo because of the notions that people have. Christopher Inglefield, a Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon at the London Bridge Clinic explained that labiaplasty is not always a luxury but often a necessity for many women. He stated that many of the women that come to him for the procedure suffer from great discomfort and it affects their personal lives. Though the number of women opting for the surgery is increasing, it does not mean women are becoming vainer but rather are more aware now, the surgeon said.