Labiaplasty Before and After Pictures
Checkout our Before & After Labiaplasty Gallery Below & Click on Each Photo to Enlarge.

Age: 38
Treatment:Vaginoplasty, Labiaplasty, Perineoplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction with Fat Transfer and is 5 weeks post op

Age: 38
Treatment:Vaginoplasty, Labiaplasty, Perineoplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction with Fat Transfer and is 5 weeks post op

Age: 24
Complaint: The patient reported experiencing chronic discomfort caused by hypertrophied, redundant skin on her labia minora and on the clitoral hood and was seeking a more natural appearance (as per the patient).
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and vaginal fat transfer to achieve the desired “natural” appearance and achieved satisfying results.
Age: 34
Complaint: The patient came to our clinic because she was unhappy with the appearance of her genitalia when she looked in the mirror. She was unable to look past the loss of volume in her outer labia (labia majora) as well as the protrusion and dark pigmentation of the inner labia.
Treatment: The patient underwent fat transfer to the labia majora to help restore volume to the outer lips. The patient also underwent labiaplasty to reduce the size of the inner labia as well as intimate bleaching to lighten the colour of the surrounding area.
Age: 25
Children: 0
Complaint: Unhappy with appearance of labia and protrusion of labia minora since high school and wanted an overall better look for her vaginal area.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, as well as a vulvar fat graft to achieve satisfactory results that left her feeling more comfortable with the appearance of the vagina. Client is very pleased with the procedure and the overall look of the vaginal area.
Children: 2
Complaint: Patient was unhappy with overall appearance of her vagina.
Treatment: Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction and Fat Transfer
Age: 23
Complaint: This patient was an athlete and reported that she experienced repeat irritation with exercise and was unhappy with the appearance of her labia minora and her clitoral hood.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty as well as a clitoral hood reduction with satisfactory results in both appearance (as per the patient) as well as increased comfort when exercising and performing her daily workouts.
Age: 51
Children: 3
Complaint: The patient noted that she was experiencing decreased sensation, pelvic laxity. She was also unhappy with the overall appearance of her vaginal area.
Treatment: The patient was able to undergo vaginoplasty, perineoplasty, labiaplasty, and fat transfer to the labia majora with satisfactory results. She reported improved sensation an increase in pelvic laxity, and a more pleasing appearance of the genitalia (as per the client).
Complaint: The patient reported being unhappy with the appearance of her external genitalia, noting that she did not like the self-perceived hypertrophy of the labia minora as well as the folds of the clitoral hood.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and fat transfer to the labia majora to achieve a more satisfactory appearance (as per the client).
Age: 38
Children: 4
Complaint: Elongated labia and wanted more volume in area
Treatment: Labiaplasty, fat transfer and clitoral hood reduction
Age: 41
Children: 5
Complaint: Mother of 5 has poorly healed vaginal laceration due to childbirth. It affected intimacy with her partner due to lack of sensation and perceived vaginal laxity. Patient also noted that she was leaking when coughing, laughing, and exercising.
Treatment: The patient underwent Vaginoplasty, Labiaplasty, and CO2 Laser Core Intima Treatment.
Age: 23
Complaint: The patient visited our clinic to improve the outer appearance of her vagina as she was unhappy with the labia minora protruding past the labia majora when she looked in the mirror. She also noted some discomfort during intercourse.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, as well as a vulvar fat graft to achieve satisfactory results that left her feeling more comfortable with the appearance of the vagina. The patient also reported an increase in comfort during intimacy with her partner.
Children: 3
Why: Having discomfort and unhappy with her appearance
Treatment: Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, Fat Transfer to Labiamajora
Age: 23
Complaint: The patient noted that she experienced irritation and discomfort during her day-to-day activities. She also conveyed that she was unhappy with the appearance of the labia minora (inner lips) protruding past the labia majora.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty where the labia minora was reduced bilaterally as well as reduction of a small amount of redundant skin over the clitoral hood for overall satisfactory results.
Age: 32
Children: 2
Complaint: The patient came to our clinic noting that she was unhappy with her vaginal appearance as a whole, noting that she was unhappy with the protrusion and discomfort caused by the labia minora (inner lips), as well as the open appearance of the vagina which had become more apparent after subsequent vaginal deliveries.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction (reduced excess skin on either side of the clitoris) for a more streamlined profile of the labia minora and clitoral hood; as well as a fat transfer to the labia majora to restore volume to the area.
Age: 21
Complaint: The patient reported that she experienced increasing levels of discomfort when exercising and wearing tight clothes. This was a result of friction which had led to chronic irritation and the gradual thickening of the edges of her labia minora due to the chronic inflammation.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction to achieve satisfactory results, which increased her comfort levels and were aesthetically appeasing (as per the client).
Age: 53
Children: 2
Complaint: Patient came in with issues of pelvic laxity, pelvic heaviness, and decreased sensation during intercourse. She also stated she’s unhappy with the appearance of her vaginal area.
Treatment: Patient underwent vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, and fat transfer to the labia majora with satisfactory results. She reported improved sensation, an improvement in pelvic laxity, and a more youthful pleasing appearance of the genitalia (as per patient).
Age: 56
Children: 4
Complaint: The patient noticed signs of ageing in her labia minora and labia majora. She was particularly bothered by the loss of volume in her labia majora and wanted to revitalize the skin around the labia majora as well as restore the loss of volume in the area.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty and fat transfer to the labia majora, which restored volume to the area and revitalized the skin to achieve satisfactory results.
Age: 32
Complaint: The patient came to our clinic to revise a labiaplasty procedure that she had gotten 13 years prior. This procedure had left her with irregular proportions, symmetry, and skin.
Treatment: The patient underwent revision labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction with satisfactory results and no negative impact on sensation.
Age: 23
Complaint: The patient reported that she had been feeling recurring discomfort for years when wearing tight-fitting clothes, when performing physical activities, as well as during intimacy caused by the labia minora protruding past the labia majora.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction to achieve satisfactory results. The patient experienced an overall improvement in comfort as well as an improved appearance (as per the patient).
Age: 26
Complaint: The patient noted that she was unhappy due to irritation caused by the hypertrophy and protrusion of her labia minora past the labia majora.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction to improve the perceived aesthetic appearance (as per the client), as well as increased comfort during physical activities and during intimacy.
Age: 28
Complaint: The patient had previously undergone a labiaplasty with unsatisfactory results roughly two years prior to presenting for consultation.
Treatment: The patient underwent a labiaplasty to improve the appearance of the labia minora. The patient also got a clitoral hood reduction for a more streamlined appearance and a fat transfer to the labia majora, which allowed for a more natural appearance that the patient was satisfied with.
Age: 20
Complaint: The patient reported being unhappy due to discomfort caused by her labia minora protruding past the labia majora and was seeking a minimal reduction of the labia minora that would give her a natural appearance as well as increase comfort during exercise and intimacy.
Treatment: A labiaplasty and a clitoral hood reduction were performed on the patient with satisfactory results, resulting in minimal discomfort during her daily activities.
Age: 42
Children: 1 (Vaginal Delivery)
Complaint: This patient is a fitness athlete with a prior history of performance enhancing medications, which subsequently led to the increased protrusion of the clitoris and clitoral hood. The patient wanted to improve sensation in the vaginal area, which had been reduced after sustaining damage during childbirth.
Treatment & Outcome: To achieve satisfactory results, the patient underwent vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, and clitoral hood reduction. The patient noted a more streamlined appearance, better sensation, and decreased protrusion of the clitoris.
Age: 43
Complaint: The patient reported decreased sensation in the clitoris due to exposure of the clitoris to allow for further sensation during intercourse.
Treatment: Subsequently, the patient underwent clitoral hood reduction, with a conservative exposure of the clitoris as well as a labiaplasty to enhance sensation during intercourse.
Age: 31
Complaint: The patient reported that she was experiencing discomfort due to her labia minora when going about her day-to-day life. She also noted that dissatisfied with the appearance and protrusion of her labia minora past the labia majora.
Treatment: The patient underwent a minimally invasive labiaplasty, a clitoral hood reduction, as well as a vulvar fat graft to the labia majora to achieve satisfactory results that improved the function and appearance (as per the client) of the vagina.
Age: 34
Children: 2 (vaginal deliveries)
Complaint: The patient reported that she was unhappy with the protrusion of her labia minora as well as the healing of a previous birthing scar on the floor of her vagina. She noted that the injury had resulted in decreased sensation and caused slight discomfort during intercourse.
Treatment: The patient was able to achieve satisfactory results by undergoing labiaplasty to improve the outer appearance of the vagina (as per the patient) and a perineoplasty to remove scar tissue and promote natural healing.
Age: 35
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and a vulvar fat graft to achieve an improved appearance (as per the client) of the lips and the vagina. The patient reported that she experienced greater comfort when performing physical activities or when wearing tight clothes.
Age: 19
Complaint: The patient noted increased discomfort when going about her day-to-day activities and when wearing tight clothes due to the protrusion of her labia minora past the labia majora.
Treatment: The patient underwent a labiaplasty and a clitoral hood reduction to achieve a more streamlined appearance that improved her day-to-day comfort and which she perceived as satisfactory.
Age: 23
Complaint: The patient presented with significant asymmetry of the labia minora with the left labium being larger than its counterpart. The patient reported that she experienced chronic pain and inflammation which could have been a contributing factor to the enlargement of her labium.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty of the left labium to achieve greater symmetry and improve both comfort and appearance (as per the client).
Age: 48
Complaint: The patient reported feeling increased levels of discomfort caused by hypertrophy (redundant skin) of the labia majora.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, perineoplasty, as well as a vulvar fat graft for a greater overall result in comfort and self-perceived appearance.
Age: 31
Complaint: The patient reported what she perceived to be redundancy in the labia minora as well as the clitoral hood and sought to improve the appearance of the labia minora protruding past the labia majora.
Treatment: The patient underwent a labiaplasty to achieve the desired results by improving the appearance of the genitalia (as per the patient) and increasing comfort.
Age: 56
Children: 1
Complaint: The patient came to achieve an overall improved aesthetic look, at the same time restoring its youthfulness and wants more volume in the area. She also states that she has urinary leakage/incontinence during exercise and when laughing/coughing after her vaginal delivery.
Treatment: The patient underwent labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction (reduced excess folds of skin in clitoral hood area)for a more streamlined profile of the labia minora and clitoral hood; as well as a fat transfer to the labia majora to restore volume to the area. Patient also underwent Core intima laser vaginal treatment to improve urinary incontinence and vaginal tightening.
Age: 25
Complaint: This patient reported that she experiences repeat irritation while exercising and was unhappy with the appearance of her labia minora and her clitoral hood.
Treatment: The patient underwent clitoral hood reduction along with fat transfer to the labia majora. The fat transfer to the labia majora helps restore volume to the outer lips. The patient also underwent labiaplasty to reduce the size of the inner labia. Patient is happy with the refreshed appearance and states increased comfort when exercising and performing her daily workouts.
Age: 47
Children: 2
Complaint: The patient reported noticeable discomfort in her labia minora when wearing tight clothing, she also noticed that there was a loss of volume in the labia majora which led to the further protrusion of the labia minora.
Treatment: The patient was able to undergo labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, as well as a conservative, very natural, appearing vulvar fat transfer to the labia majora to achieve satisfactory results. The patient noted greater overall satisfaction with the appearance of the vagina as well as improved sensation and comfort.